Kitchen table in a house

8 Tips for Closing at the Kitchen Table


Sales can be challenging but rewarding work. It’s all about saying the right thing at the exact right time. If you can get to the final stages of the sales process but struggle to seal the deal, you’re in the right place.

In this blog post, we outline effective strategies to help you close contracting sales at the kitchen table. 

Tips to Close Deals at the Kitchen Table

Well, first things first, pat yourself on the back! Getting to the kitchen table conversation is already a huge win. Now, you might be asking yourself, “How do I keep this momentum going?” 

While it’s an accomplishment to get to this stage in the sales process, it’s crucial to know how to close the deal. 

We’ve rounded up eight tips to help you close more deals at the kitchen table. Let’s dive in. 

1. Build Rapport 

Establishing rapport with customers is key. From the moment you sit down, show that you value your prospect’s time and business. Be personable and relatable, but stay professional as well. Ask about their day and make them feel comfortable. 

Remember, you’re in their home, so it’s essential to respect their space. People buy from people they trust, so it’s important to establish a genuine connection with your customers. 

2. Understand Your Customer’s Needs

Take the time to identify and understand your customers' pain points. Find out what motivates their decision-making. By asking thoughtful questions, you’ll gain valuable insights into their needs. This knowledge will help you tailor your pitch to resonate with them. 

People like to have options. Rather than forcing prospects into one plan, offer them a good, better, best proposal highlighting different options for their situation. 

3. Differentiate Yourself 

There are a lot of options out there for home improvement projects. Why should this prospect choose you over the competition? It’s crucial to highlight what sets you or your services apart.

Whether it’s your business’s unmatched quality, superior customer service, or exclusive deals, ensure your client understands why they should pick you. This moment is your chance to highlight your unique selling points and position yourself as the clear choice for the job. 

4. Offer Solutions 

A good salesperson sells their product. A great salesperson doesn’t just sell—they solve problems. 

Once you’ve discovered the customer’s specific pain points, it’s time to present your service as the solution they’ve been looking for. Make it clear how you’ll address their particular challenges. This isn’t about overwhelming them with features; it’s about showing them how your solution will improve their life.

This is an excellent time to highlight upgrades that might solve their problems. 

5. Create Urgency 

You don’t want to be too pushy, but creating a sense of urgency can be a powerful motivator. You can tell prospects about limited-time offers, upcoming price increases, or availability. Highlight why buying now is in their best interest. 

It’s important to strike a good balance here. If you overdo it, you might make them feel pressured or uncomfortable. 

6. ABC: Always Be Closing 

“Always be closing” is more than a famous movie line. It’s one of the oldest sales adages and still holds true today. 

Look for opportunities to close the sale throughout the conversation, not just at the end. If they seem ready, ask for the sale! Don’t wait for them to tell you explicitly that they’re ready to purchase. 

Remember when we said that sales is about timing? A well-timed question like, “Does this sound like the solution you’re looking for?” or “Is there anything holding you back about this project?” can prompt them to commit or give you the chance to address any of their concerns. 

Again, balance is critical. Be assertive and direct, but don’t cross the line into aggressiveness. 

7. Be Conversational, Not Scripted  

While you may have prepared talking points you want to cover, don’t let the conversation feel like a scripted sales pitch. 

It’s great to come prepared and have an idea of what you want to talk about, but it’s important to stay adaptable. You should be ready to adjust the conversation based on the client’s responses. 

Approaching conversations this way helps prospects open up more and engage. Try to have a genuine conversation instead of making them feel they’re nothing more than a sale to you. 

8. Actively Listen

Active listening is crucial to closing deals at the kitchen table. While you’re there to sell your services, you shouldn’t be doing all the talking. Listen! 

Actively engage with your prospects by responding to their concerns, asking follow-up questions, and validating their feelings. This engagement shows that you genuinely care about their needs and helps build trust. Conversations should be two-way streets. 

Improve Your Proposals to Land More Jobs 

Closing the deal doesn’t start at the kitchen table. An excellent job proposal to present to clients can make or break your sales pitch. A professional and sleek proposal shows customers that you care. You’ve taken the time to outline the specifics of this project and address their needs.

We know what you’re thinking—I don’t have time to spend hours on each proposal for jobs we may not even win! As you know, delivering quotes quickly is essential to landing jobs. That’s why contracting professionals use proposal software like SumoQuote. SumoQuote helps contractors create high-quality proposals in half the time. 

Book a demo today with SumoQuote to start closing more sales.

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