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4 Ways Using a CRM Improves Roofing Sales


Creating a quote and getting it signed is key to selling a roofing job and making money. However, making sales isn’t enough to standardize and scale your business. There are other tools—like a CRM—to consider that can help in different ways and complement your business’s sales process. 

Before we get into it, here are a couple of questions to help you determine whether you should consider a CRM.

Customer relationship management is essential to any roofing business, and it becomes increasingly important for those looking to scale and grow. 

While there could be a time and place for tracking customers and jobs in Excel, there comes a point when implementing tech like a CRM is crucial to level up.

Here are four ways using a CRM improves roofing sales beyond the quote:

1. Generate High-Quality Leads

Unlike a quoting tool, a CRM is designed to generate high-quality leads. The CRM collects leads from the target market through a lead management component and, using feature tools like lead scoring, categorization, and tracking, helps you build and pursue your leads.

Lead tracking is essential because it tells you how many leads are at each stage of the sales process. Instead of manually updating the progress for each potential customer, you can trust that a CRM is doing it for you.

2. Strengthen Team Communication

A CRM software makes communicating with team members more effective by tracking conversations and letting you share access to them. 

If multiple salespeople or team members work on the same project, anyone working with the customer can view and update data as necessary. This accessibility ensures everyone is on the same page and no information is left out.

A couple of other things to consider in a CRM that can strengthen team communication:

  • Automations — Customize your workflow and notifications to better inform team members of project progress.
  • Engage — Text project updates to your customers and send invoices that they can pay via text message.
  • Notes — Add notes to your contacts, material orders, and estimates so that everyone is on the same page.

3. Improve the Homeowner Experience

According to Gartner, 64% of people find customer experience more important than price when purchasing. 

When selling a roof, it’s important to provide a positive customer experience throughout the whole sales process (and beyond). In most cases, this looks like clear and reliable communication when:

  • Planning a site visit to inspect the home
  • Sending a new or revised quote
  • Outlining what the homeowner can expect once the dotted line is signed
  • Sending an invoice for a deposit
  • The work is being done or has been completed

A positive customer experience will result in better customer retention, satisfaction, and perceived company value. A CRM helps improve this experience by gathering data, enabling faster communication, and allowing you to engage with your customers quickly.

4. Save Time and Money

Imagine if roofers everywhere could simply show up, shingle, and get paid without the headache of administrative tasks. A CRM automates those tasks for you. 

By eliminating inefficiency and redundancy from your project workflow, you can reclaim your time and focus on what you do best: high-quality roofing and siding.

A few other ways a CRM saves time and money for roofers include:

  • Removing room for human error and potentially costly mistakes
  • Decreasing the time to close a sale or target existing customers
  • Providing insights into which customers are worth pursuing

Skyrocket Your Sales with a Roofing CRM 

Simply put, customer relationship management is vital to any successful roofing business. A CRM software undeniably boosts roofing sales by generating high-quality leads, improving team communication and customer experience, and allowing roofers everywhere to save time (and money). 

JobNimbus is a best-in-class roofing CRM that helps contractors improve how they run their businesses. Get everything done in one app—from customer communication and scheduling to invoicing and estimating (with the SumoQuote quoting tool). 

Start a free 14-day JobNimbus trial and see the difference for yourself.

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